Join Liberty Classroom from here and get a free eBook, “A Biblical Case for a Nonintervention Foreign Policy.”



Check out the Table of Contents for a preview of what is covered in this free eBook.

  1. The pillars of US foreign policy in the Middle East
  2. Why US foreign policy in the Middle East is wrong from a Biblical perspective
  3. The Biblical justification for this book
  4. Christians have a faulty understanding of who the real Israel is.
  5. The unbiblical burden to support the nation of Israel
  6. We have discarded the Biblical position of nonintervention and nonaggression.
  7. What about OT examples of Israelite imperialism?
  8. The New Testament spiritual counterpart of imperialism
  9. Nonintervention is not pacifism.
  10. Nonintervention is not isolationism.
  11. Inter-national conduct should follow the same principles as inter-personal conduct.
  12. The Biblical principles of nonintervention
  13. The Just War Theory
  14. The US is not obeying its own laws and traditions concerning war.
  15. The unbiblical concept of debt and paper money by which our wars are fueled
  16. What business does the US government have forcing its immoral ideas on others?
  17. The US is likely a modern-day version of Assyria and Babylon, and will end as they did.

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Have you ever wondered what type of foreign policy is taught in the Bible?  Have you ever wondered why so many Christians claim to follow the Prince of Peace, but at the same time support wars of aggression?  This book shows that nonintervention foreign policy is taught in the Bible, and it details where the unbiblical belief in wars of aggression stems from.  After you have visited the Liberty Classroom website through our link and purchased a subscription, just fill out the form at the bottom of the homepage and we will send you your bonuses.