Feminism, Police, and the Industrial Revolution

One of the effects of the Industrial Revolution of the 18th & 19th centuries, which took place in Great Britain and parts of Europe including the German states and France, was a restructuring of society wherein much of the rural population left the farms of the countryside and migrated to the cities to work in the factories. This led to women leaving the homes and their traditional role of homemaker and working alongside men in the factories. This was the beginning of the feminist movement in which women began to demand the same rights and roles as men since they were doing the same work. Another result of the Industrial Revolution and its resulting urbanization was a concentration of poverty in the cities which led to increased crime which these European countries had not dealt with in prior times. The answer to the increase of crime was the creation of municipal police departments. While the Industrial Revolution brought much wealth and prosperity, it also brought with it its share of societal problems.

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